Thursday, August 6, 2009


There were 8 servers connected to one of our switches, each contributing 4 nics.
Each NIC supposed to be on a separate VLAN.

After the power maint. on the weekend, we found that our VLAN config got all mixed up.

Now one pair of servers had all 8 nics on one VLAN, with next pair of servers on another VLAN and so on.(!)
Conveniently we had forgotten the switch password.

Now the only way to reset this on cisco is to get a console cable connected to serial port of a laptop
and play with the mode button.
Wasn't enough time for that ( and we didn't find a console cable) , so we had to "transpose" the VLAN matrix.
The VLANs were EST (tagged on the switch ports) , so had to rejig all cables to get the original config back.
That's not easy if you throw in patch panels and unlabelled cables into this mess.

6 hours of manual labour on a Sunday ? That's real dedication , mate !

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