Sunday, August 9, 2009

Totally f*cked up doc

Want to puke without any food in your belly ?

This is the documentary for you "Bumfights Presents - Terrorists, Killers and Middle East Wackos "
I got this one from my regular nightly routine , Start->Firefox->Bookmarks->Mininova->Documentaries -> Sort by seeds.

The entire doc film runs for about an hour with short video clippings which contain beheadings , chopping up of genitals , disembowelling , amputating limbs, general slaughter, rape , stoning , shooting and road/air/boat accidents.
All of the above with "happy happy" country music in the background.

The psychopath in you , will be interested in hearing the guttural sounds made when a throat is slit or the subdued whimper which follows a few bullets in the torso.

For me , I've lost enough bile to need an intravenous drip.

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